Traveling Tips for Costa Rica


My time here is coming to an end. I have been here for about 2 months and have 2 weeks left in the country before I return to the homeland. I’m sure my amazing blog posts have inspired all 3 of you readers to come down here as soon as humanly possible so I will provide you with some tips:

1) Don’t even think of going anywhere without bugspray. Heavy-duty DEET bugspray.  I don’t care how environmentally friendly and anti-chemical you are, trust me, after one day in the country you will be desperately searching every store, house, and sketchy-backwoods tourist shop for a barrel of DEET to bath yourself in. So stock up before you go.

And don't forget to spray your, and your children's, face. That's the part mosquitoes like the best.

And don’t forget to spray your, and your childrens’, face. That’s the part mosquitoes like the best.

2) Bring good walking/hiking shoes. Unless you are planning on doing actual hikes in the national parks you won’t need hiking boots. So just bring good walking shoes – and by this I mean light, sturdy, quick-dry, and with good traction. If you do plan on hiking, try to make sure your boots are either water-proof or quick dry. If water-proof, don’t do this to them:


They stop being water-proof when the water gets  up to your knees.

3) If you don’t know Spanish know the words:

No hablo Espanol” [I don’t speak Spanish]

Quanto Baleh” [How much]

agua, necesito agu” [water, I need water]

¿Hay cócteles disponibles en esta playa?” [Are there cocktails available on this beach?]

Por favor, ¿dónde está tu repelente / protector solar” [Please, for the love of God, where is your bug-spray / sunscreen]

4) If you do not like rice, beans, and meat you may want to reconsider traveling here – along with your life priorities.

Breakfast rice and beans

Breakfast rice and beans

Lunch rice and beans

Lunch rice and beans

Dinner rice and beans

Dinner rice and beans

5) It’s hot here. All the time. And humid. Really, really humid. Get used to it – there will be no escape until you leave the country. Also you WILL get a full-body sunburn. And wake up everyday with mystery bites and rashes on parts of your body you thought were inaccessible to insects while you were sleeping. It’s just going to happen. Be aware of where your nearest aloe plant grows.

And the sweating! OH THE SWEATING! It will NEVER stop!

But in return you get this:

so, fair enough.

About stavers

Traveler, yogi, health food nut, runner, social media addict View all posts by stavers

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